After attending my first two play sessions
on Wednesday 6th September at the Hindi BMC School, Malad Toybank field worker Laxman explained to me that the school splits the day into two separate school days with the first running in the
morning and then a whole host of new children arriving in the afternoon for
the second session.
This is a concept that is completely new to me as in England
schools run from 8:45am to 3:30pm for most students. Whilst there I witnessed
the beginning of the afternoon school session, which saw the students line up
outside for prayers, the national anthem and the register. This was unlike anything I have experienced before and something I
felt privileged to be able to observe. With the students exams looming the next
day, there was only time for a final two play sessions left at the school in
order to allow the students to study for their exams.

The third play session of the day was made up
of a larger group of students, which posed a whole of host of new challenges
for me. Once again icebreakers were used to start the session, first ‘copy
the action’ and then a game where students were blindfolded and had to mark the
tail on the animal drawn on the board. In this second game students were
utilising a multitude of different skills. Firstly they practiced their language
skills by coming up with team names after English animals such as, cat,
dog, fox and rat. Secondly, the children were developing their cognitive and
problem solving abilities by having to work out where they thought the tail
would be. One student particularly impressed me by feeling where the end of the
blackboard was and using that to work out where the image of the animal was
drawn and therefore where he should draw the tail. This just shows the value of
Toybank in playing games like this and how this can help child development.
As the third session was a lot larger than
the previous two sessions, it was much harder to divide my time between
different groups. Also, as I couldn’t necessarily communicate how to play some
of the games very effectively I felt that Laxman had a lot to do. However, in
the fourth play session Laxman and I were joined by another volunteer, who was
a 20 year old Law student from Mumbai. I think that this was particularly
helpful in the session as I was able to focus on explaining the simpler games,
whilst she and Laxman were able to communicate in Hindi the more
complicated ones.
Nonetheless, even with some of the more
simpler maths games I faced some difficulties. In one game there was a
selection of sheets with different maths problems on, some addition, some
subtraction and some pattern spotting. Whilst the addition and subtraction
elements were simpler to explain using my hands, trying to explain the patterns,
such as asking them what the number in the beginning, middle or end of the
sequence should be proved much trickier. However, through repetition and
gesturing multiple times the students gradually started to pick
it up and by the end of the game they really impressed me with their maths skills.
Overall, my time spent at the Hindi BMC
school in Malad was incredibly rewarding and allowed me to meet people I would
otherwise have not met. By attending the play sessions, it has made me truly
grateful for the education and life I have been privileged enough to receive.
Yet, despite their situation these children were some of the kindest, nicest
and friendliest people I have met whilst being in India or in any other
countries across the world.
- Lucy Wray, UK Toybank Intern