Volunteer of the Month - May

Here is our volunteer of the month of May – VISHAKHA SHROFF!

Vishakha joined us as a volunteer in the month of April. Since then she has attended almost all the events at Toybank. She always takes initiative to make our Distribution events better and more enjoyable for the children by adding her inputs. She has also gone all out to make a lot of creative goodies for Toybank all by herself!

Thank You Vishakha for your valuable inputs, and hope to have you as a volunteer at Toybank for a very long time 

Here is our QnA session with Vishakha:

Toybank: What brought you to volunteer with us?
Vishakha: My friend Sonali Arora was collecting toys for Toybank in early april. She introduced me to Toybank. I was keen to know how the toys were reaching to the kids out there.
That lead me to attend the first toy wrapping session, since then i have participated at many Toybank events as a volunteer.

Toybank: Please tell us about your most memorable experience with Toybank. 
Vishakha: I think the very first event I attended as part of Toybank at Salaam Balak Trust was the most memorable one. It was an amazing feeling to interact with kids there...
they had such happy dispositions. Every event since then has been a learning experience.

Toybank: What do you think about volunteering in general?
Vishakha: I think we all have a little free time on our hands, and also ability and some talent which when put to use for a good purpose can help others/needy or people around us in some small way. So
why not volunteer for a cause...in whichever ways possible.
Not only can we make a difference to individuals but society in general, however small it may be!

Toybank: What keeps you motivated to volunteer?                            
Vishakha: When we go for the distribution events the happiness one can see on the kids faces.. and this isn't only when we are distributing the toys, but throughout the event..during the interactive session of art, craft, games, storytelling and various activities held. Its very satisfying, joyous and motivating.
Also all the people working and volunteering for Toybank are big motivators.

Thank You Vishakha!

It's great to have you volunteering with us!

Keep Toybanking :)


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