Learning from the field- Andheri
Date: Wednesday
6th June 2018
Day started out by
visiting the Ashadeep centre in Marole (andheri east). This was my first play
session. We took a while to find each other on the road and then had to walk
almost a km into the community which gave us a good chance to understand the
community life. We passed fishing markets, a very pretty church and lots of
houses. Outside one house there was a grandmother, her daughter/daughter-in-law
cleaning vegetables, and 2 kids playing with some toys and there was music
playing from inside and all of them miming the words. We were 3 of us-
the field officer, Chloe (my fellow volunteer and me).
When we reached the
centre, the children were already busy playing with different toys. They looked
so happy to see us and were excited to let us join in and play with them. There
was a box of games on the side and it seemed like the children had already
picked out their favourite games, made their groups and were all set to get the
games started!

One of the older
girls was sitting quietly in one corner of the room with her favourite Hannah
Montana puzzle. She told me how she picks this up every time and takes an
average time of 30 minutes to finish it - however with every time she tries to
fasten her process and finish it sooner. Watching her patiently assemble her
pieces and colour co-ordinate them was so relaxing (at least for someone like
me obsessed with colours and organisation :p)
I noticed that many
of the children would finish a game and then when they picked out a new one,
they would try to find a new empty sit corner of the room and set up base there
until they were done with the game. It was almost as if they felt they needed a
new space to experience a new game and it was all part of their plan. On
average each game would last for about 10-15 minutes. You
could also see the more talkative children occupy the centre of the room and
engage in more competitive team games. While they did dominate the space with
their presence and passion for competition, every child in the corner stood out
just as much and seemed unaffected and engaged in their own games.
I have lived for just
30 minutes away from this centre for the past 25 years and had no idea about
its existence and the number of people it impacts with skill building, games
and community events. I got to meet and speak with 2 of the women who manage
the centre- they not only took out time to share their stories and the
association’s history with us (despite having a busy day) but also made us eat
a sweet called paysum they had prepared to celebrate one of their birthdays.
When we were leaving the centre (very well fed) a couple of the children came
downstairs to say goodbye and wished us a safe journey back home. Our walk out
of the centre felt more familiar and it seemed like in 2 hours we had gotten to
know the community better.
~Sabaah, Toybanker